Thai Herb
Houttuynia, Chameleon plant, Tricolor houttuynia ( Phlu Khao)
Thai Nname : Phlu Khao
English Name : Houttuynia, Chameleon plant, Tricolor houttuynia
Scientific Name : Houttuynia cordata Thunb.
Common Name : Houttuynia, Chameleon plant, Tricolor houttuynia
Detail : Habit : Perennial herb, whole plant has an unusual taste that is often described as fishy
Leaf : Simple, alternate, cordate
Flower : Inflorescence flower, 4 white bract, small sessile floret, no petal
Fruit : Dry dehiscent fruit
Medicinal Used : Leaf : veneral diseases, dermatitis Whole plant : diuretic, disinfection of urinary tract

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